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Hi Ladies, welcome back!

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As you already know, I'm an LDS holistic health coach for women of faith and their families.

Here at Lioness at the Door, you've been learning the principles of unconditional love, coupled with an understanding of the mindbody syndrome (TMS), and you are taking more responsibility for yourselves than ever before! Woohoo! I hope you'd agree, the rewards are rich!

I'm excited to continue to share these principles with you so that you can further settle into your agent brain and keep keeping the victim-thinking habit at bay!

What have you learned about:

Unknowingly adding to the contention in your family?

Running on adrenalin, overworking as you may have tried to prove your worth?

Feeling like the victim in your life story much of the time?

Blaming your spouse or chidren for your unhappiness or feelings of dissatisfaction?

Misunderstanding the messages tension and pain were/are trying to send you?

When we don't know we're loved, no matter what, we often unknowingly behave in ways that are unloving and make life more challenging for our families, right?! (It's not what we wanted and it's not how we planned to be!)

But now, you also know that this work to become the loving people we want to be is a life-long effort! In this advanced HWL class, we'll be diving deeply into:

Addiction recovery work (for all those knee-jerk reactions that seem to be hard-wired!)

Guided meditations, to help us relax into creating a new way of being.

Music & movement to unstick emotions!

Gratitude & celebrations each week!

Self-care on steroids with self-care log for tracking progress.

Rewiring memories with our new understanding of ourselves and others.

Weekly group sessions (1 hour).

Learning to be more loving helps us feel better, fast!

We're learning what constitutes loving behavior and how to love and teach our kids at the same time! Can "Alpha" be loving? Yes!!

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How Are You Giving Your Children What They Need Most?

Since we're coming to understand the inherant need we each have to feel unconditionally loved, and how caring for ourselves can actually make us better able to truly love our spouses and children, our lives are changing!

You'll Keep Learning...

How to take care of yourself in a way that gives you the ability to flex and roll with the circumstances of your life.

What you may have been doing to create an atmosphere of contention and disrespect in your home, even though you were shooting for peace!

With practice and humility, what real emotional intimacy and safety feels like with your spouse.

How you can become a safe place for your family members and how you can feel greater integrity between what you believe, and how you treat them.

How chronic stress can lead to chronic pain and how to back out of that scary equation!

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Thank you for creating these much needed, life altering classes.


Through my experience in this class, I have been able to meet some amazing ladies, build better relationships with family and friends, and better understand repentance and love! It has been a good experience do this in a group where we share our progress and learn from one another as we all worked on healing through Love!


"I am so grateful for what I have learned and practiced. I am a better wife and mom than I was before. I feel like a different mom inside. I love myself more just as I am, as I tell the truth, repent, practice and keep trying. My worth comes from within, from knowing I am divine and loved. Thank you again Jacque!"


Here's What You'll Get...

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6 Virtual Classes

Listen to the first 6 HWL recorded classes will be available to you, ($300 Value) and you can dig into the next line-up of assignments in our addiction recovery book.

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Self-Care & Love Gathering Accountability Log

Download a self-care log and write out your love-gathering routine to follow each day. Track your progress.

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Journal Pages For Notes

Be fully engaged in the learning process and record the inspiration you receive as you continue to practice. ($25 Value)

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Monthly Assignments

Keep yourself moving forward by reading or re-reading HWL books, but mostly focusing on He Did Deliver Me From Bondage, with it's weekly assignments for reading and journaling.

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Weekly Group Coaching Sessions (4 each month) Subscription

Grow with the accountability and encouragement of your wise women in a structured hour session each week! (Priceless!)


Claim Free Gift With Your Order!

Use this eBook to remember the basic principles we cover plus, use it to teach and introduce those principles to your friends and family as well!

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eBook to Help You Power Up!

Download and read or listen to the audio!


Get Advanced Healing With Love now for only $200/month!

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My "Loving Lioness" Guarantee!

I am confident that this course will be an answer to your prayers. But if for some reason you are dissatisfied with it after the first 7 days, please write to me for a full refund.



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